
Wieldy does not seem to be able to cope with Outlook 2010 if the phone numbers have "+" (for international dialling) in them.

Anonyme il y a 14 ans mis à jour par Kevin Erath il y a 14 ans 0
Error message is as follows:
Wieldy.Addins.Sdk.WieldyException: Can not format number: +44 v 20 7266 4977 ---> SystemindexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at Wieldy.Core.Poco.User. (String ) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Wieldy.Core.Poco.User. (String ) at Wieldy.Core.Poco.User.set_PrivatePhone(String ) at Wieldy.Synchronizer.Outlook.OutlookSynchronizer. (MAPIFolder ) at Wieldy.Synchronizer.Outlook.OutlookSynchronizer.Start(SynchronizerSettings synchronizerSettings, SecureString readPassword, Boolean readRequired, Func2 continueHandler, Guid id) at Wieldy.Core.ManagerCore.Synchronize(SecureString password, ConfiguredSynchronizer configuredSynchronizer, FavorDirectionType favorDirection, Func2 configureSynchronisation, Func2 continueHandler, IProgressWindow progressWindow) at Wieldy.Core.CommunicatorBase. (Boolean , ConfiguredSynchronizer FavorDirectionType I, Funa a Boolean -, Func2 1) at Wieldy.Core.CommunicatorBase. (Boolean , ConfiguredSynchronizer L, FavorDirectionType I, Func2 Func2 -)


Fixed with beta V0.2.6.637