
Autosafe when program is terminated (e.g. on shutdown)

Anonymous 14 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 14 years ago 1
It happened two times to me that I entered important tasks and then shut down my PC without clicking the safe button of Wieldy. Next day, everything was lost. Wieldy really should auto-save the data whenever its window is closed or minified and when it gets the signal to terminate. Of course, if there are no changes to save (e.g. if time-based auto-save happened earlier), it should not save again.

For me, this data safety is the single most important issue for any GTD program. If I'm unsure whether everything is really saved I still try to keep things in my head because I worry if I am missing things. It has a reason that David Allen calls it a "safe system".


Wieldy should already save it's data when the window is closed. Also the same should be true when the application is closed.

Wieldy did not handle the Windows Shutdown/Reboot event correctly. This has been fixed in beta V0.2.6.658.
Tested this again. Yes, it seems the data is saved when the windows is closed. But nothing is saved when the window is only minified, or when you shutdown the computer. I think in Java you have to implement special shutdown hooks, maybe something like this needs to be done for the CLR, too?
Wieldy should already save it's data when the window is closed. Also the same should be true when the application is closed.

Wieldy did not handle the Windows Shutdown/Reboot event correctly. This has been fixed in beta V0.2.6.658.