Not a bug

syncronize with dropbox failed

Anonymous 14 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 13 years ago 4
Error is "Can not access file … . Reason is: failed to check if file … exist. What did I wrong?


Not a bug

Unfortunately i had to discontinue the dropbox support, as the production key for the addin has been denied. Please use the filesynchronizer instead.

Sorry for the delay. I set the path to the dropbox folder, the email und the password and I set "import and export".
Do you need more information?
I forgot: There is no proxy.
Did you solve your issues? If not, can you tell me the dropbox-path you have set?
Problem is solve. I have "installed" Wieldy in the dropbox folder. ^^
Not a bug

Unfortunately i had to discontinue the dropbox support, as the production key for the addin has been denied. Please use the filesynchronizer instead.