Tagasi lükatud

Android based version is highly needed that can/will sync with Windows version

Anonüümne 14 aastat tagasi uuendaja Kevin Erath 14 aastat tagasi 0
Create an Android version that will sync with a Windows based version.


Tagasi lükatud
Currently i am reviewing the Windows Phone 7 SDK. This my be my next mobile version of wieldy. Else i guess i am planing top implement a iPhone app. Seems like Android is currently on the bottom of the list :-)
Good to know that there is an demand for an android version.

Actually it depends on how successful windows phone 7 will be. I will either focus on wp7 or android. Of course i will have to buy a phone first ;-)
Good to know that there is an demand for an android version.

Actually it depends on how successful windows phone 7 will be. I will either focus on wp7 or android. Of course i will have to buy a phone first ;-)
Tagasi lükatud
Currently i am reviewing the Windows Phone 7 SDK. This my be my next mobile version of wieldy. Else i guess i am planing top implement a iPhone app. Seems like Android is currently on the bottom of the list :-)