
How can i start the outlook synchronizer.

Peter 15 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 14 years ago 2
I have created an outlook synchronizer. But how can i start the synchronization!


A tiny icon in the ribbon bar will apear next to the undo/redo buttons, after one or more synchronizers have been configured.

Unfortunately the button will only appear after restart.
Please ensure that the Office Interop Assemblies for .NET are installed. Those can be installed via the office setup and are normally automatically installed. If this does not help, you can also download the assemblies from here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/kh3965hw.aspx

Can you tell me the Version of Office you are using?
A tiny icon in the ribbon bar will apear next to the undo/redo buttons, after one or more synchronizers have been configured.

Unfortunately the button will only appear after restart.
The button works fine to start the (Outlook) sync but calls an error message asking for a Registry modification. I can't find the file it asks me to modify in the Fusion (no '!') folder. Please help.
Ps. app looks brilliant on first look - thanks!
Please ensure that the Office Interop Assemblies for .NET are installed. Those can be installed via the office setup and are normally automatically installed. If this does not help, you can also download the assemblies from here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/kh3965hw.aspx

Can you tell me the Version of Office you are using?