Under review

Record and report time spent working on tasks

WieldyUser 14 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 13 years ago 1
It would be great if wieldy could also record the time spent working on specific tasks and provide reports to show where the user spent her/his time during the last days, weeks, months, etc (e.g. bar graph, pie chart, etc.).
Under review
This is another example of a method-breaker. GTD is just a method to organize what should be done next, not a project follow-up or timelogging tool. There are some really great tools available for time-tracking (Grindstone is one example, I use it at work), that you should use in stead.
GTD is not really about how much time you spend on a task (unless it is shorter than 2 minutes, then do it at once) it is about knowing what to do next in the right context.