Welcome to the Feature Request and Bug Report Submission Forum. Use this forum to request new features or suggest modifications to existing features. You can also use this forum to report suspected bugs in Wieldy. I will try to implement your feature requests, but i can not guarantee that i will implement every feature request. Thank you for your help to improve Wieldy.

Android based version is highly needed that can/will sync with Windows version

Anonymous 14 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 14 years ago 0
Create an Android version that will sync with a Windows based version.
Kevin Erath 14 years ago
Currently i am reviewing the Windows Phone 7 SDK. This my be my next mobile version of wieldy. Else i guess i am planing top implement a iPhone app. Seems like Android is currently on the bottom of the list :-)
Under review

tomorrow folder

Anonymous 13 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 12 years ago 0
A Tomorrow folder is very useful (in Do section). When it's impossible to do a task today is better move to Tomorrow than to Next. Next folder it isn't Today, it isn't tomorrow.. is too imprecise, and Scheduled isn't the best option for look the tasks for tomorrow quickly. The implementaton I think is easy because Tomorrow Folder contains the Sheduled tasks for tomorrow. It could be a option for Tomorrow floder: Visible or Not visible.
Under review

Collapse thoughts easily

Anonymous 13 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 12 years ago 0

An idea for collapsin the thougts easely is to do tiny arrows bigger (horizontally), all the space in the side of title of the thought. Or collapse doing double click on the right of the tittle.

Anoher option could be double click too in the tittle, using single click to midify the title, or adding a button to modify it.

... It's necessary collapse the thought more easely.

Under review

Date and Time in horizontal bar

Anonymous 13 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 12 years ago 0
In the right side of the horizontal bar will be useful showing the current date and time with big size. Perhaps could be selected a calendar view too.
Under review

Side bar in all the side

Anonymous 13 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 12 years ago 0
For the best usability, the side bar (Thoughts, Today...) is prioritary in the side more than horizontal bar (there is space to it horizontally)
Under review

Put actions on hold dependent on another action

Anonymous 13 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 13 years ago 0
Currently you can put an action on hold for a specific number of days. What i miss is a feature where i can put an action on hold depending on another actions completion instead of time. This means the action is hiddin until the other action is done.
Under review

Implement Steve Covey Method: Important and Urgent flags

Anonymous 13 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 12 years ago 0
The Steve Covey's book "Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People" show how to organize the time according to if a though is important and urgent (quadrant 1), important and not urgent (quadrant 2), not important and urgent (Q.3) and not urgent and not important (Q.4).
To combine this metod and GTD is the perfect form to get things done efficient and effectively.
No other software contemplate it. Wieldy would be the first.
Priority is compatible with this method because inside the quadrants can be different priority for each though.
In addition a option in configuration section could set a mode of automatic priority to associate the for current levels of priority with for quadrants.
To display de quadrant for a though a orange LED (of/off) for Urgent and a blue LED for Important could be interesting, as well as a Q1~Q4 or Level1~Level4 or 1~4 tag. This tag could be implemented with the existing tags or separately.
Thank you very much; in my opinion Wieldy can be de best software in this sector
Under review

Provide a view that shows all thoughts

Anonymous 13 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 12 years ago 0
I really need a view that displays all thoughts, to get an overview of all my tasks.

Create todos for birthday contacts

Anonymous 14 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 14 years ago 0
If you can enter birthdays to your contacts, it would be usefull to also use this data to create todos to remind you about "happy birthday".
Kevin Erath 14 years ago
Good idea. I also could need this feature myself.
Under review

Consider implementing a "next week" flag

Anonymous 14 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 14 years ago 0
Every day I need to select the tasks to be done, and mark them with the "today" star.

I think it would be nice if I do not need to select among all possible next actions, but only among a subset marked as "this week" during the weekly review.

With other words: In the weekly review I want to be able to mark "candidates" for tasks to be done in the upcoming week.

So I think a category "this week" between "today" and "next" would be a useful addition.
Kevin Erath 14 years ago
Interesting idea. I will think about it.

Create sub projecs, and then, of course, sub-sub projects

Anonymous 14 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 13 years ago 6
Kevin Erath 13 years ago

Finally i found the time to implement sub-projects. You can now configure a parent project for any project. The subprojects are now listed as a tree.

This feature has been added with beta version: V0.2.7.843.

Under review

more print options

Anonymous 13 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 12 years ago 0
There should be the possibility to select, what you want to print out.
For example the Notes, the categories, ...
Also to select, which of the projects you want to print out.

wieldy so slow at startup

Anonymous 13 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 12 years ago 0
Hello Kevin

I  use wieldy for some plannings and other stuff  .... works fine so far

but what i ve noticed, the time that wieldy needs  to startup takes a long time   ( est. 5-10 sec)

is it an common  issuse from the  net framework environment  or is this  the normal behavior from wieldy ?

Kevin Erath 12 years ago

Mainly this is a framework issue, or better said how Wieldy uses the framework. But there is a solution to speed up the startup time. I will try to fix that.

Under review

Better functionality through small UI tweaks

Anonymous 13 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 13 years ago 0
- starring capability while thought is minimized ( instead of in maximized view)
- quick capture input box (type, hit enter, repeat) for quick brain dumping 
- include a short preview of notes in minimized thought view
- adding of tags to thoughts through typing and comma separation
- maximized view = a summarized view of additional information attached to the note with info editing tucked away as small icons or through the use of mouse over controls; would be awesome if image reference items were previewed in note
- duration countdown from 1 day and 0 day to Today and Tomorrow
Under review

I would love to have a time estimate option for Tasks/Ideas.

Anonymous 13 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 13 years ago 0
I think it would be a goog idea to at least have an option to estimate the time you work on a task.

Implement Import/Export (I'm more keen on import from another similar tools)

Anonymous 14 years ago updated by julie lawrence 10 years ago 6
Import/Export feature.
There are lots of other similar tools and if someone finds this as the best, it makes easier to export from old tool and import in Wieldy if you have lots of tasks and do not want to rewrite them by hand.
Kevin Erath 13 years ago
Can you tell me from which tool you need an importer/exporter? So i can take a look at it.
Kevin Erath 14 years ago
I will improve the calendar view within one of the coming releases.
Under review

Maybe distinguish between "due date" and "scheduled date"

Anonymous 14 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 14 years ago 0
Currently Wieldy supports (for next actions) only one kind of date, which is labelled as "due date" but acts more like a "scheduled date" (e.g. when the date arrives, the task is moved to "today").

In practice, you often need to start tasks long before they are due. E.g. "buy Christmas present" or "learn for examn" have fixed due dates, but you one better schedule them some days or weeks before.

How can i start the outlook synchronizer.

Peter 14 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 14 years ago 2
I have created an outlook synchronizer. But how can i start the synchronization!
Kevin Erath 14 years ago
A tiny icon in the ribbon bar will apear next to the undo/redo buttons, after one or more synchronizers have been configured.

Unfortunately the button will only appear after restart.

Online Sync

Anonymous 14 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 13 years ago 1
Would like to see a sync to online service such as Toodledo. Then from there I can sync to other programs as well as n iPhone and iPad
Kevin Erath 13 years ago
Thanks for your suggestion. I will take a look at toodledo.
Under review

Implement a way to quickly review actions once a day

Kevin Erath 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 0
Kevin Erath 14 years ago
Will be implemented sometime in the future.

to collapse the thougth with double click of mouse

R A 14 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 13 years ago 0
Kevin Erath 13 years ago
Right now it will only be expanded. Collapsing is dooable but more tricky in case of usability. That is because when you expand a thought, it is full of input fields and other controls. That's why i haven't enabled it.

Is a global search possible with Wieldy?

Anonymous 14 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 13 years ago 2
Under "filter" there is a search box where you can search the current list. Is there a way to search over all actions, no matter in which list they are stored? I think that's very important. Sometimes I know I have entered a task with certain keywords, but do not remember in which list I had put that task.
Kevin Erath 14 years ago
Right now there is no global search function. But i see that it would be a useful feature. I will plan it for one of the comming releases
Under review

Problem with next actions for projects

Anonymous 14 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 13 years ago 3
Currently, it seems any tasks moved to a project folder is automatically also contained in the "next actions" folder.

This is not really reflecting the strict GTD concept of a project and next actions. It should be possible to mark only one or several of the tasks in the project as "next actions", while the others are simply sitting there and do not show up in the "next actions" list because they are not relevant now.
Kevin Erath 14 years ago
I'm not sure about this, but i think that all actions of a project should be put on the next list. But i see the point, that maybe an action depends on another one and thus can only be done when the dependend action has been done already.

Thanks for fixing bugs so quickly and being open to suggestions!

Anonymous 14 years ago updated by Kevin Erath 14 years ago 0