Your comments

Syncing via Dropbox is okay. There is no need to use the synchronizer, as long as you won't change the file on both sides before Dropbox has synced the file. Such szenario would only work with the synchronisation ability of Wieldy, as it can merge changes done on both sides.
You have set the Recuring Action Type to Recurring (Subsequent)?
Did you set "Create in Advance" to greater than 0? If so, then 1+the number will be created.

Else you may have found a bug. Does it still happen?
The bug is known and will be fixed when moving to .NET 4.0. Which i have planned for the release after the next one.
Currently not. I have planned an extended Add Action window. Which you can switch to. Maybe via tabs or something...
Seems like you found a bug. Maybe i did something wrong with the internationalization. I will search the bug...
I know of this bug already. It happens only under some Windows XP machines. I couldn't find a simple solution, as the bug seems to be hidden in the .NET Framework. The best way to solve it, will be moving Wieldy to .NET 4.0. I have planned to upgrade to .NET 4.0 within the next three releases...